The only real exceptions to using a favorite regardless of tier is the fact i do have pikachu in my dp ou team. While all non uber pokémon can be used in ou only those pokémon that make up at least 452 of total weighted usage in the tier are designated ou.

Smogon University Ar Twitter November Pokemon Showdown
Pokemon smogon ou tier list. The tiers are constantly shifting too your argument is like. And a lot of runu pokemon are perfectly viable in ou. Overused sm smogon strategy pokedex. What smogon has done was taken the pokemon considered to op and placed them into ubers then took the pokemon most used by competitive players and placed them into ou and threw in 3 limbo tiers which basically makes up the uu beta tier. The reasoning for this is the fact that all competitive players on this website use that tier list for all battles. Galarian darmanitan banned from smogons competitive pokémon ou tier.
This tier list does resemble smogons tier list. I will just be posting the ou pokemon in this. However since this is very early stage it is likely going to chance i am just curious on pepoles thoughts and opinions on it and what you think will be chanced. Ou overused is smogons fundamental usage based tier. Thus it is senseless to make an unused tier list that is made from people who lack a true understanding of the meta game. Smogon updated their ou viability rankings so i had to give my opinion.
And attempting to go competive with it in ou tier. Too many things resist his combo and some are immune to one of its stabs meanwhile ss urshifu hits the entire ou for neutral on just 3 moves also rocky helmet is being spammed everywhere to take advantage of all the contact physical mons like scizor a wak and urshifus so 3 hits equal half of your hp gone. Smogon has just recently released its ou and uu tier for pokemon sword and shield. With the exception of pokémon banished to the uber tier every pokémon can be used in ou including pokémon from uu ru nu and pu. Banning pokemon components separately will produce a bloated and convoluted ruleset if consistently used as a first. 43971654 waterfighting is not as good as darkfighting.
Yes i know there are better electrics. Pretty good list id say the easiest and free way to support me is to use my referral link to download the brave browser. Because its the mechanic thats broken regardless of what tier it is and the strongest pokemon of each tier will still be broken with it in that tier and then it just gets way too complex when you keep going down the list. Smogon put those pokemon in their tiers because thats how they stack up against each other. Currently there are only 3 tiers out ubers ou uu beta this is excluding lc and doubles.