The arena tier list is estimating the risk and reward ratio for the reader and provides a ranking based on this. For everybody else we have prepared much more.

5 Gwent Cards That Defined The Past Gwent Masters Esports
Gwent gold tier list. Jump to high elo tier list. I am the guy that made crafting tier list. Join in the witcher universes favorite card game. If you are looking for advice. So according to that list ng is currently sitting highest and nr lowest on average gold tier. Decks that can beat tier 1 decks if the player can access its full potential or strong decks with a clear counter eg.
Jump to general tier list. In gwent you clash with your friends in fast paced duels that combine bluffing on the fly decision making and careful deck construction. With the new expansion sk received some over the top tools for one of its already refined and successful archetypesnow equipped with bronzes that rival your opponent s golds and arguably the two best cards in gwent blood eagle and harald the cripple sk has managed to solidify its place as the king of the metaeven after the recent hotfix this deck still feels unfair to play against. The only mid lane macro guide youll ever need league of legends season 9 duration. Stay up to date every lol patch with our league of legend tier list guide the best champion picksbans everything you need to rank up in solo queue ranked flex queue for season rewardsplus lots of bonus league tier list guides you can use like for each lane and role. Viable decks probably good for normal ladder and for some cheesy picks at tournaments.
I have rated only gold cards because most of the time you want to pick golds anyway and if you are not sure tldr you can just see the average value of the card. Now that you know the best champions for lol get the best champions for teamfight tactics with our new tft tier. The tier list for mid lane in league of legends is primarily built with platinum and gold ranked data so select at the bottom of this screen if you want to see other tier list rank options. The witcher card game. Many cards in gwent grant extra value if a certain condition is met. The order has been defined by thousands of games played in every rank so you can select which tier list for mid lane you want to view in bronze through to diamond and above.
Proguides challenger league of legends guides recommended for you. Mo consume is massive but can be countered with a simple tech however this deck should win against lower tiers. A subreddit dedicated to gwent. I agree that ragh is silly good if you can get the opponent to commit vulnerable bodies but my only faction golds so far have been vilgefortz and vattier so i cant quite get a good read on relative value yet. If you have any questions about our choices or process ask us on discord. Lol tier list 1016.
Here are the official league 1016 patch notes for reference. Check out our patch notes breakdown here. Sometimes the condition is very harsh and partly out of the players control.