Pokeland legends is a free to play mobile gamed based off a popular franchise also known as pokeland legends epic pet spirit monster fate world. 180431 likes 110 talking about this.

Monster Tier List Pokelandlegends
Pokeland legends tier list. This list shows you the best heroes in the meta right now. Solgaleo is ranked higher than deoxys in the monster tier list but keep in mind that list ranks monsters individually but deoxys has better synergy with tapu lele. Thus it is senseless to make an unused tier list that is made from people who lack a true understanding of the meta game. Weak single target fighting attack but it has a high hit chance and it ignores defense when attacking a target marked by skill 3. Costume tier list pokeland legends danyv1 pokeland legends. This tier list does resemble smogons tier list.
Why is mobile legends tier list important hero tier list july 2019 not mine thoughts updated tier. The only official facebook page of pokeland legends. Tier list spreadsheet breakdown cobalion. They are based on the personal experience of many high ranking players not based any on any numerical evaluations. Solgaleo is the best alternate because his ability to break through shields makes up for the lack of group skills on the psychic team. Pokeland legends discussion board.
This list assigns values to buffs debuffs type etc. To create a true rating system. Based on their general usefulness and then combines that information with book stats skill powers etc. Special thanks to tatonkaman156 for providing the list. Team tier list click each of the names for a description and a table showing the monsters that are used in each team. These rankings are speculative.
Extremely high pdef moderate high speed attack and sp def and moderate hp. The reasoning for this is the fact that all competitive players on this website use that tier list for all battles. Pokeland legends pheromosa world boss speed run 1485653710k hp duration. Rank 1 s585 player educational channel with tips and tricks about pokeland legends pocket contest.