Now that you know the best champions for lol get the best champions for teamfight tactics with our new tft tier. Jump to general tier list.

Hots Tier List Icy Source Tier List
Hots god tier list. This tier list is generated daily based on votes submitted by the player community. Secure the rank you deserve starting today. While youve got various roles present across the heroes of the storm roster with supports healers bruisers tanks etc this hots tier list ranks the heroes by their strength in the meta at the time of writing. Meaning some heroes that are not god tier on this tier list might be god tier in hands of a player specializing in that particular hero. This page will always show the latest heroes of the storm tier list for ranked play and is designed to rank heroes in terms of their strength in the current meta and their value in climbing for the majority of players. Jump to high elo tier list.
Lol tier list 1016. Heroes of the storm tier list. In this heroes of the storm tier list we provide hero rankings to give you the best heroes for the current meta. Now i know some people are going to say hey this hero is strong here and i do really well when x happens however this tier list relies on what is likely to happen in most games and what is best in common scenariosin other words the viability of certain heroes like murky or gazlow in most scenarios is pretty low therefore i rank them lower even though in the. Here are the official league 1016 patch notes for reference. Lol tier list with riot partnered stats of ugg.
Come back often to check and vote the changes in the meta. Next gen boosting service for hots lol modern warfare apex legends and overwatch on all platforms regions. For everybody else we have prepared much more. Inside each tier heroes are ordered from highest to lowest scored. You can contribute to this list and make it better by voting your opinion. This page shows heroes of the storm tier list.
Best champions based on millions of league of legends matches. Heroes of the storm is approaching its fifth anniversary marking half a decade of crossover moba action. Sort by win rate tier role rank and region. Play with the strongest heroes using our hots tier list. This is a tier list that will let you choose heroes that have the best balance when it comes to raw power to skill ratio. Stay up to date every lol patch with our league of legend tier list guide the best champion picksbans everything you need to rank up in solo queue ranked flex queue for season rewardsplus lots of bonus league tier list guides you can use like for each lane and role.
The long awaited hots storm league tier list by our hots boost team is here. If you have any questions about our choices or process ask us on discord. New heroes start at tier 3 average. Also find characters meta. Check out our patch notes breakdown here.