2 mastering power beyond limits gohan teen 3 disambiguation. Consists of the main antagonists from the movies.

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Movie boss category tier list. Allies receive a stats upgrade every time he is on the team and faces an enemy of movie bosses. Teq cell perfect form simply a great new addition to the team as he provides 2ki and a 30 atk def buff to all extreme class allies. Card reasoning s1 endless evolution of the warrior race super saiyan broly will never struggle for ki aoe super attack allows him to perform amazingly well in world tournaments besides the standard saiyan based links he shares shocking speed and prodigies with many villains in the team low damage output until he transforms after 4 turns s2 explosive evolution turles versatile. Family kamehameha where players earn medals to extreme z awaken miraculous kamehameha. D tier namekian even a 150 leader wouldnt be enough to push them up i think i would have majin buu saga in at least s tier maybe even ss tier since lr super vegito can be run on it yeah i forgot to mention that buu saga as well as movie bosses were the 2 categories i was the most unsure about. Super saiyan goku unyielding kamehameha.
I was initially planning to not do any new tier list beside the movie heroes one but since ssj broly is coming soon next week on glb and i like his category i decided to do it. Super saiyan gohan teen and furious kamehameha. New units added to the tier list. Tv and movies tier list templates. This category has extra benefits on these events. Also urallerzz started the concept so check him out for more of those tier lists.
Before some explanation thanks to uloligami for his calculations on the aptimal setups for the team credit goes to him. Tv show and movie tier list templates. History comments 124 share. Although he is not part of the movie bosses category he does. After finishing your tv or movie tier list check out these tv and movie brackets. 1 the tier list.
One event where this category performs particularly well is extreme z battle. The movie bosses team is capable of demolishing nearly every event in the game. But after looking over said list i felt some changes could be made and some new units added. So i had previously made a tier list on the movie bosses category. Explore wikis camila cabello wiki. Which are very common links in this category.
Super saiyan goten kid. And bardock will always have the advantage when he fights an enemy of movie bosses.