With the new expansion rastakhans rumble rr just about to launch. This is a 1 1 beast for one mana with rush with a battlecry effect of putting 1 1 lynx with rush into your hand.

Rumble Run Guide Shrines List Passives Teammates Tips
Rastakhan rumble tier list. Click on the name of the archetype in each tier to expand more details about the deck. Rastakhans rumble legendary cards worth your dust. Rumble run is a single player game mode introduced as part of the rastakhans rumble expansion. Mage hero power either you havent played with it somehow messed up your entire deck or dont understand how tier lists work. The best rastakhans rumble decks for december 2018 season 57 with druid hunter mage paladin priest rogue shaman warlock and warrior deck lists. The explanation section gives a general explanation of the archetype as a whole.
There are notes within tier 1 that these decks and cards could be short lived as being useful due to the upcoming april 2019 set rotation. Rastakhans rumble has been out for nearly a week now and weve been very busy at metabomb pulling deck lists together for some of the new and revitalised archetypes that are seeing play in the new launch meta. The set is mainly centered around trolls one of the most ancient races on all of azerothproud and fearsome the trolls once ruled over monolithic empires and to this day they remain scattered in various tribes all. Variants of spell hunter might not be the best decks on the ladder but they will definitely be at least tier 2 and given how popular the deck is right now it has to be on this list. Below is a list of all the available shrines separated into tiers based on the likelihood of being able to successfully finish a rumble run. Rastakhans rumble the third and final expansion of year of the raven launched a week ago.
Warrior still 1 couple days into the new expansion. It will present playstyle strategies discuss different variants of. The first time i played it i stomped 6 bosses but lost to 7 because i was too greedy and went 100 hero power meaning i instantly lost when my board got wiped. Rastakhans rumble is hearthstones tenth expansion featuring 135 new collectible cards and the alternate shaman hero king rastakhanthe expansion released on december 4 2018. Heres our initial must crafts for the expansion. Still this card is the most played card from rastakhans rumble in current meta with over 12 in all decks a little more than the card on the top of our list.
Dragon roar is one of the most common cards in warrior drafts and have a better win rate then omega assembly. And the new expansion might offer the class a few new options that could fit in that list. Rastakhan even shaman. Rastakhans rumble deathrattle. I was going to do a. The new cards in rastakhans rumble are largely focused on spell synergy which could end up revitalizing the old evolve shaman.
This tier list shows the best decks to play in ranked mode to maximize the chances of winning the game and climbing the ladder. With rastakhans rumble arriving last week weve had a fair amount of time to see how things would shape up. Hunter continues to look to be top tier in the rastakhans expansion. How to use the meta snapshot.