The feral mountain lion is the best cat family pet at this level and cats tend to be very good because of their high attack speed and because they have a 10 increase in all damage they do. New consumables are available in alchemy cooking and enchantment 0531 wow classic.

World Of Warcraft Classic Tier List Best Classes In Classic
Wow classic hunter pet tier list. At level 10 there is a quest called the hunters path which has four different versions based on race and faction. Guild rise defeated cthun 24 minutes after entering temple of ahn. Wow classic hunter pets taming pets is an iconic part of the hunter class in wow classic. Classic wow pet skills this is the classic wow pet skills page it lists all skill available to pets that are learnt through taming beasts. A visual guide to hunter pets in the world of warcraft. Patch 83 pet guide after world of warcraft classic info.
This is mainly because brokentooth is the only pet in the game with a 10 attack speed. Unlike in modern wow hunters do not start out the game with their pets. A visual guide to hunter pets in world of warcraft classic. Brokentooth is a rare cat found in badlands and one of the most sought after pets in wow classic for hunters. There are also far fewer choices of pets and pet abilities in wow classic so the choice for a twink hunter is pretty straight forward. There are several different types of pet families appearances and effectiveness which have different abilities and excel in different situations such as turtles mitigating damage.
See a preview of all the potential new looks in the next wow expansion visions of nzoth. Classic wow hunter pets by type. This makes brokentooth the best pet for pvp against casters. Level 1 10 level 11 20 level 21 30 level 31 40 level 41 50 level 51 60. If youre just starting in classic please see our summary page for a refresher on the differences in taming and using pets in world of warcraft classic. An addon for world of warcraft classic that adds a list of available trainer spells to the spell book.
Hunter t2 set guide 0543 wow classic. Upgrades the class trainer interface adding functionality to ignore search and train all. Level 1 10. One of the most important aspects of any hunter twink or not is your hunter pet. It tells you what the skill does who can learn it the different ranks and what beast to tame to learn that rank. For a list of these pets by zone try here.
August 6th hotfix addresses viscidus bug in aq40 0423 dragonlords of time brood of nozdormu rep guide 0737 wow classic. The war of the shifting sands has begun. Show or hide family categories. Classic wow hunter pets guide useful class training add ons class trainer plus. Check out our dedicated site. Every other pet cat or otherwise have 12 attack speeds or higher.
Classic wow hunter pets by zone for a list of these pets by type try here.