A tier arms warriors can be downright terrifying in pvp combat bringing high damage defense mobility a wide range of crowd control and one of the most important debuffs in pvp mortal strikealthough individually susceptible to kiting and attrition due to their own lack of self healing a well supported arms warrior is nearly unstoppable unless outplayed or overwhelmed. Elite heroes of the alliance and the horde fight for glory in arenas and battlegrounds.

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Wow arena pvp tier list. The top 1000 players in your region are immortalized here. A lot goes into creating an arena tier list as the class or spec alone does not necessarily make it good but how it synergises with other classes. Wow 83 pvp arena tier list wow pvp guide by mystic july 11 2020 here you will find a strong representation of the current metagame from an eu point of view. Welcome to our wow pvp tier list for arena updated for patch 83. Wow bfa 82 spec viability tier list arenas hi guys im going to go ahead and give this a shot but it is up to the community to make this a thing if interested. Home world of warcraft pvp pvp arena tier list pvp arena tier list battle for azeroth bfa last updated on nov 02 2019 at 1530 by mysticall 7 comments.
We will update this list every patch to help in giving you an accurate understanding of what the arena meta is at any given time. If there is no interest or things get out of hand i will simply stop making updates to the rankings and let it die.