Unlike in previous titles the story mode of warriors orochi 3 follows the shin sangoku musou multi raid 2 format in which faction stories are completely omitted in favor of a singular main story scenario told in a total of four chapter segments. Warriors orochi 4 ultimate adds ten new combinations to the existing forty for a total of fifty.

What Is The Best Element Build For Weapons Warriors Orochi 4
Warriors orochi 3 tier list. Warriors orochi 3 ultimate features characters from the dynasty warriors samurai warriors series along with a great variety of guest characters from other game series as well as from legends of. Main story battles that are connected with one another chronologically visually represented by a square on the. Why do you need a horse when ba can travel faster. Most of these include special or previous weapons from the dynasty warriors series fifth weapons from sengoku musou 3. Moushouden and even those from other koei titles. My japanese isnt very good so my translation can be misleading.
Stages are divided into two types. I decided to make a tier list for the whole entirety of warriors orochi plus guest characters also with the addition of the dw9 and spirit of sanada cast just in case koei does anything with them. 4 7 personally i dont agree with the ss standard at all. 5 6 side 12 side 19 side 7 testing stage for c tier or below. Naturally the list are reserved for the most efficient and destructive characters 1diao chan kunoichi 1guan ping 2huang zhong 2cao ren or a design flaw sun jian. Warriors orochi tier list.
In general in a tier list the top tier upwards qualified as a game breaker in their own rights with the godbrokens tier and the upper of top tier as those considered over the top broken. I think the tier list maker forgot to mention that defeating all monsters as well. Dian wei xu zhu taishi ci tadakatsu honda and ina should have gotten better score than that especially tadakatsu. This page contains a compiled list of miscellaneous weapons found in warriors orochi 3 and its expansion titles. Warriors orochi forum tier list sleva why dont you like those people. The following is a list of every unique team combination available when performing the triple musou or rush in the warriors orochi series.
Xiahou ba spam r1 to run faster. Also take note that this list is based off of early impressions intermingled with the experience from the original warriors orochi 3 release. Others are merely replicas of four star weapons only with unique visual effects to distinguish them in battle. Warriors orochi tier list. Enjoy the video feel free to discuss in the comments. You can list your own tier list here as well so new players can get an idea of who are the best characters for chaos difficulty.
5 13 4 13 dlc 1 dlc 3 secondary testing stage. For warriors orochi 3 on the playstation 3 a gamefaqs message board topic titled tarrots official tier list. Only sun wukong nezha and sanzang flying with max proficiency can travel. Here is my tier list for this game.