Same rules as the titan list. And with the return of suppression void grenades its back on top again.

So I Made A Destiny 2 Pve Subclass Tier List Thoughts On
Warlock exotic tier list. That said you dont have to be running a void subclass to use it it pairs well with this seasons breakout star gnawing hunger replenishing your ability energy on every kill you get with the auto rifle. Start of video starfire protocol. Todays destiny 2 video we have a warlock exotic armor pvp tier list to breakdown. 329 light beyond nemesis. We will cover all warlock exotics and discover which exotics rise to the top in the crucible and which arent. Destiny 2 exotic tier list as of july 2020 this list covers both pve and pvp but pay special attention to the excels in column as it clarifies what the best exotics for pve or pvp are.
Destiny 2 exotic warlock armour list. Lets see what the best and worst warlock exotics are and how they rank. Warlocks its your turn. 445 claws of ahamkara. 1015 obsidian mind rankings i forgot to put the text in the video. Warlocks it is your time for the exotic armor tier list for 2020.
List of exotic warlock armor in destiny 2 use the links below to jump to specific destiny 2 exotic warlock armor listings to learn more about each pieces type intrinsic perk and whether to use. Ever since season of the undying nezarecs sin has been a strong warlock exotic. Also included at the end are the newly added forsaken exotics. 705 heart of the praxic fire. 226 skull of dire ahamkara. The list is focused completely around how impactful all exotics are in all relevant content.
All armour is unlocked from drops exotic engrams or specific vendors unless noted.