Atterax slide whip burning wasp very low damage per hit low attack speed. While no longer the incredible monster that tonkormirage or simulor mirage use to be those weapons will still deal decent damage.

Archived Threads In Vg Video Game Generals 1184 Page
Warframe weapon tier list i wanna be the guy. Mirage is wonderful with any kind of area weapon. With over 400 weapons in warframe it can often be hard to figure out which ones are the best. Iwannabtheguys warframe tier list. But if you dont want tocannot farm riven want a super general tier list just check out the wiki page for riven mods and look under weapon disposition list. Now old weapons people have not used in a long time have high riven disposition and have much more potential than previously. Warframe tier list tatsu by sakai4eva last updated on nov 25 2019.
An opinionated guide to everything warframe. Lists that demand that something is the correct tiering are almost stereotypically theological in their request and are there to be ridiculed. If youre new to the game itll seem impossible. 4 forma 405 platinum 166510 endo tldr charged attack on ground alternate mods swap primed fury for quickening for virtually no loss but youll still need that many forma unless youre willing to spend an umbral forma for this. Riven recommendations combination of. Critical chance melee damage crit damage initial com.
So you have to aim it. Makin a website with a tier list weapon info and suggested builds. Theres no point to tier list threads. Warframe all cave locations orb vallis vallis spelunker achievement since quick high damage bursts are critical for defeating eidolons the certus brace tier 7 is a must have due to the significant improvement it offers to your amps critical chancea school of focus intelligence and mind power those guided by this school excel with inner strength and energyrwarframereddit. Equipment pending tests are marked as such. Fuck me please stop commenting about dex sybaris i get it.
Personal lists are your experience and arent a topic to discuss because all we can do is offer advice on a different way to use a warframe. This list of the best weapons in warframe and how to acquire them is your go to guide to outfitting yourself with the most powerful gear in game. The game changed with rivens. Only thing now is that its been given self damage to match the rest of the weapons in its class. Samuel legus renamed tier list pve weapons frames from iwannabtheguys pve tier list samuel legus moved iwannabtheguys pve tier list lower samuel legus moved iwannabtheguys pve tier list lower. Could someone good with websites contact me about helping make a website with a tier list weapon info and suggested builds.
3 forma 449 platinum 105300 endo iwannabtheguys tier list. Warframe patch 2805 added primary kitguns velox stahlta stropha and xoris.