Known tier 2 titan variants include the atlas tier 2 ogre tier 2 stryder tier 2 and destroyer tier 2. It will depend on the game mode aswell.

Titanfall 2 Tier List August 2017
Titanfall 2 titan tier list. Titans are the primary form of heavy warfare in the world of titanfall. Where it really shines is as a anti titan weapon. Since a lot of new players are coming to the game. G2a5 car alternator r 201 carbine r 97 charge rifle mag launcher. I cannot recall the last time i lost a 1v1 with any titan with both bars being full. They include a number of visual and aesthetic upgrades from their base counterparts though it is unknown what impact if any they have on gameplay.
Satchel charges tactical abilities 2625 s tier. Legion monarch tone b tier. These titans are solid picks even in 2v2 but generally are best used in 3v3. Regardless of how others feel scorch is a behemoth in my hands. My list is just that my list on what i believe the most powerful reliable titans are. Firestar gravity star frag grenades b tier.
Eva 8 volt hemlok devotion wingman wingman elite mozambique. Titanfall 2 current tier list in my opinion. Tone legion monarch b rank. Measuring about twenty feet tall they are surprisingly agile with the ability to both sprint and sidestep. Ironically taking all 3 a tier titans is not usually the best team comp for 3v3s though since it lacks a constant dps titan and as such cannot demand map control. Given how good be is and my gen with him i benched him and only use him a match here and there.
Pulse blade amped wall phase shift a tier. Titanfall 2 gun tier list. Electric smoke grenade c tier. The pilots do not really control them like robots instead titans serve as natural extensions of the pilots body. Its the best grenadier mostly for the same reasons why the r201101 is the best ar. It does as much if not more damage to titans than most anti titan weapons.
Video games titanfall 2 guns tier list titanfall 2 guns tier list maker share template on twitter share template on facebook. Ronin ion a rank. Tier 2 titans are a titan variant featured in titanfall online. Attrition other competitive game modes. Low profile s tier kill report a tier all else c or f tier ordnance 2156 s tier.