Watch the video for a full explanation. As for the low tier clearing 100 with some of those would be a real challenge.

Season 12 Dh Short Form Guide Gr Tier List Diablo
Tier list diablo 3. In the past couple of seasons and on non seasonal this build has dominated the leader boards for barbarian while also being relatively easy to play making it an excellent build for players looking to pick up barbarian for the first time. Diablo 3 best class 2019 diablo 3 tier list whether you are a newcomer or an old hand this diablo tier list will give you an idea of where to start. Mid tier 115 low tier 110 or below. Crusader has been roughly on par with poj monk for me at 150 230 consistantly in gr75s using the valor set and the norvalds fervor set 2h flailshield 900 paragon though its been doing this for the last couple hundred. With patch 267 several items that modify rend were buffed brining forth this build as a the top barbarian build and one of the top s tier builds overall. Even with a top tier build you wont clear 120 let alone 130140 unless you know what youre doing and spend a lot of time playing to get gg gear and paragon levels.
These are the best builds for diablo 3 patch 269 season 21 based on past and ptr performance for solo gr pushing. Just lets me with 3 augments go up to gr85 before it. Diablo 3 best class 2020 diablo 3 tier list in diablo you have options on how you want to kill the prime evils and their demon hoards. Diablo 3 season 20 guides for all classes including tier lists ranking the best builds. Im curious about the crusaders speed ranking. You have six different classes to choose from and all have various builds with variations to consider.
Welcome to the diablo 3 patch 269 and season 21 tier list covering my thoughts and opinions on build rankings build enjoy. This list gives you an overview of the best classes to slay those demons. It also very much depends on how dedicated people are. Everything currently end game viable ranked in order of power. All these builds are t16 torment 16 viable. Diablo 3 season 21 best builds.
Diablo 3 season 21 tier list. If i understand it right speed is for t16gr75 and lower rifts right. Top 10 builds in s21 and all classes tier list guide diablo 3 players this is your definitive rundown of the best monk builds barbarian builds crusader builds witch doctor builds demon hunter builds necromancer builds and wizard builds to use in season 21. Everything you need to know about diablo 4 direct from blizzcon. Top tier builds for diablo 3 that are strictly meant for pushing greater rifts to get high leaderboard positions. Updated for season 20 patch 268.