Rogue 4pc brutal 4 pc t6 with glaives was the strongest pvp dps could force trinkets with an opener and then land kills with a blind. Would dkroguehealer fit into a tier with the other dk comps.

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Tbc class tier list pvp. But dude the thing is in tbc personal skill level impact of the game performance is 100 times bigger then other expansionpretty much any class can outplay any other class. It shouldnt be best classes for pvp wow classic best class tier list. The main thing what is wrong with this article is the title. Terrible guide so many specs missing. Not all classes are created equal and in classic each class is usually better at something than others to fulfill specific duties and roles within the community. From my initial research i believe the stronger pvp classes appear to be resto druid warrior sl sl warlock and rogue.
Hai so of pure curiosity i was just wondering today which actually was the top for arena back in tbc. I tried to be as thorough as possible here while at the same time keeping the video under four hours long. Even though both classes have even more suitable partners seems to have some good synergy. The information contained. Im curious as to what others know or have found. The best 3 classes at the end of bc not including 30 wrath talents were.
Resto druid far and away the best healer in bc 2. Looking for a website ranking list akin to warcraft logs or something along those lines. I wasnt much interested in pvp and arena back then so didnt really notice what classes actually was the most usedbest at arena. Comment by vanillalad on 2019 08 21t144854 0500. Is there a ranking of each dps class by tierraid. Wow 83 pvp arena tier list wow pvp guide by mystic july 11 2020 here.
If the title was changed would make more sense. Welcome to your go to class picking guide for tbc classic. The results were in favour of the normal ruleset by a margin of 672 665 but after carefully filtering these votes pvp took over with 611 553. Still no website or logs just peoples homemade graphs and opinions. Mystic 3 months ago. Wow tbc pvp meta pvp class tier list and pvp rankings world of warcraft the burning crusade 243.
This obviously doesnt mean that we completely dismiss the idea of a new normal realm later on this will be discussed if the demand is high enough. Welcome to the classic wow tier list for all classes covering the best tanks healers and dps for pvp group battlegrounds dueling and world pvp. Saving your trinket as long as possible was huge part of bc pvp. Odiwh 3 months ago. Personally i had alot of fun with my hunter little less fun with my warrior and the least fun with my mage. When you only talk about group battle grounds and duels.