Hunters are gods who can use ranged and physical attacks on the enemies. A bite less powerful than s tier gods but still very strong picks.

Tier List 8 4 2020 Joust Tierlist Gg
Smite god tier list conquest. Tier ss these characters are brutally overpowered. Tier s while somewhat less powerful than s tier characters. In a post 3 days ago i asked the users of rsmite to vote on the balance of the gods in conquest to help me create a community created tier list. Busted little to no flaws destroys lower tier gods easily very few gods ever reach this tier. Httpssmitegg updates every few patches or so. Gods are sorted based on their pantheons.
A list of all smite gods listed in tiers so you know who is the strongest god in smite to play in season 7. Must have experience playing the game to play well in ranked. The gods were ranked on a scale of 1 7 and i took the average ratings and arranged the gods in tiers separated by 5 of a rating. Gods can be classified in 5 different categories. There are some truly unbelievably strong gods in smite so as such we needed to create another tier known as the ss tier. Smite season 7 tier list steamroll through the ranks.
Tier s these gods are top tier in that they are often first pick choices for their roles. Smite tier list 2020. Smite is an online battleground between mythical gods. Ss tier with godly beings from around the world all together in one package it is no surprise that the typical s tier will simply not cut it for these divine characters. Hunters guardians mages warriors and assassins. The most competitive and complex mode in smite conquest can be played in both casual and ranked modes and is the mode played by the pros.
This is my opinion on where i think gods should be placed in ranked based on experience and my personal play. You can find the order of best gods in the above given smite tier list. They are item dependent. Smite is inspired by defense of the ancients dota but instead of being above the action the third person camera brings you right into the combat. Players choose from a selection of gods join session based arena combat and use custom powers and team tactics against other players and minions. This is based on medium level ranked play with experience if you have questions pm me.
This is a guide for smites conquest mode designed to apply on a high level to general gameplay and tips rather than focusing on individual gods or builds. With that in mind the time has come to take a look at the game truth original smite season 6 tier list.