Jun 13th 2020 miscellaneous. This leaves the powerful cards from fortunes hand to create a systematic shift in the meta where all the past tier 1 and tier 2 decks ceased to exist overnight.

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Shadowverse world uprooted tier list. With support to the machina archetypes machina forest is already looking very strong with numerous players hitting good win streaks with the deck. Fortunes hand world uprooted ultimate colosseum verdant conflict rebirth of glory steel rebellion altersphere omen of the ten brigade of the sky dawnbreak nightedge chronogenesis starforged legends wonderland dreams tempest of the gods rise of bahamut darkness evolved classic basic prebuilt decks set 1 prebuilt decks set 2 anigera didoooon tie in fatestay night heavens feel tie in. World uprooted is out. The list is for the rotation format and is subject to update anytime. Overview of the tempo storm shadowverse meta snapshot. Updates will be made as more details become a.
Can we already have a. How to use the meta snapshot this tier list shows the best decks to play on the ranked ladder to maximize the chances of winning the game and climbing. A guide on how to use the resource. Here are the various components of the tempo storm shadowverse meta snapshot. These decks are ranked according to their consistency and power level. Steel rebellion rotated out and the loss of the machina introductory set is especially relevant.
The official subreddit for the digital card game by cygames. This tier list shows our selection of the top shadowverse decks you can use to compete with to maximize the chances of winning. May 19th 2020 features. The shadowverse world grand prix 2020 website has been launched. Hear the dragons roar. World uprooted 10 card pack bundles are available in the shop for 1000 crystals each from post maintenance m.