Because many aggro cards are rotated out in the rotation format for example dance of death has been a core card for many aggro decks to deal with giant wards and push for damage which is now gone in rotation hence making it harder for aggro decks to deal with bulky wards many aggro decks are either non existent for example aggro blood loses a large number of the forest bat and burn. This leaves the powerful cards from fortunes hand to create a systematic shift in the meta where all the past tier 1 and tier 2 decks ceased to exist overnight.

Shadowverse Unlimited Mini Meta Snapshot Ultimate Colosseum
Shadowverse rotation tier list. It was released for ios and android devices in june 2016 and by july was the most popular mobile collectible card game in japan. Mac and windows versions were released in october 2016. Ios 90 android 44 mac os x 1011 windows 8110 64 bit. Would it really be a stretch to say that maybe just maybe youre not playing the deck optimally. Artifact is genuinely one of the hardest decks to pilot in the history of shadowverse. By going from one of the weakest archetypes in rotation to arguably the strongest.
Free to play optional in app purchases minimum requirements. The official discord server for the rshadowverse subreddit. Strategic multiplayer digital card game price. Steel rebellion rotated out and the loss of the machina introductory set is especially relevant. A few things to keep in mind when reading the list. This tier list shows the best decks to play on the ranked ladder to maximize the chances of winning the game and climbing.
These decks are ranked according to their consistency and power level. Roach forest falls down to tier 3 in this tempo storm shadowverse meta snapshot. 0730 this tier list shows our selection of the top shadowverse decks you can use to compete with to maximize the chances of winning. It began its overseas promotion in 2017 and there are three major versions by region japanese. Rotation tier list average 91019. This tier list shows our selection of the top shadowverse decks you can use to compete with to maximize the chances of winning.
Fortunes hand rotation tier list. Shadowverse is a free to play digital collectible card video game developed and published by cygames in japan. The list is for the rotation format and is subject to update anytime.