Mid tier zangief chun honda. He dominates everywhere zoning spacing poking positioning you name it he is 1 period he even has the crazy 5 hit jab.

Street Fighter V Roster Discussion Thread 2 Deal With It
Sf2 world warrior tier list. If i remember correctly he was the 3rd best in the game. After street fighter 2 success in the arcades capcom released street fighter 2 champion edition in the following year. Imo the tiers work like this. I have recently seen vids of street fighter 2. Street fighter ii world warriors top tier guile upper tier dhalsim middle tier everyone else no particular order low tier ken ryu guile he without question is the undisputed emperor in ww he dominates so completely and utterly in this game that it isnt even funny. Sf2 all titles close.
I did a search of the forums but it didnt seem to yield anything. I wrote this a while back in a world warrior discussion so sorry if some stuff doesnt make sense i plan on writing a revised one in the near future. Use our tier list maker to generate your free tier list and share it with your friends. I would swap ryu and sim around. New comments cannot be posted and votes cannot be cast. Ww tier list by dcg.
Apparently guile is blatantly at the top and ryu and ken should be placed exactly the same since they are just pallette swaps of each other right. The world warrior and i was wondering if anyone can give me a solid tier list for this game. Tiers are always a tricky and highly debateable subject when it comes to fighting games but for a game this old im sure we can come up with a reasonable tier list. Fightcade requires windows xp or later to run but can be used on other operating systems through windows compatibility layers such as wine. The world warrior is supported by fightcade and redggpo. Multiplayer services for classic arcade games.
3 points 6 months ago. Spds left you super close to your opponent. Guile sim are top. Chose from hundreds of custom templates or create your own. The world warrior tier list. This thread is archived.
Sf2 all titles hey dudes what do you think. The list i agree with the most. Zangief is way to low. World warrior dhalsim guile chun li honda blanka ken ryu zangief champion edition dictator guile sagat. It is the second installment in the street fighter series and the sequel to street fighter released in 1987it is capcoms fourteenth title to use the cp system arcade system board. Posted by 2 years ago.
The world warrior also known simply as street fighter ii is a competitive fighting game developed by capcom and originally released for arcade systems in 1991. Since wake up reversals doesnt exist and he doesnt have a whiff animation on his spds i dont see how he is lower tier than shotos. Featuring new graphics new sprites new artwork mirror matches bug corrections significant gameplay improvements and an overall faster pace the title set the foundation to modern fighting games.