Theyll always just play the regular version. They are so called mid range power supplies there position is in between good and bad but they are healthy and resoundingly acceptable.

Ibuki Street Fighter Wikipedia
Sf iv tier list. Street fighter ii world warriors top tier guile upper tier dhalsim middle tier everyone else no particular order low tier ken ryu guile he without question is the undisputed emperor in ww he dominates so completely and utterly in this game that it isnt even funny. Necro alex remy hugo q twelve sean new arcadia tier list. Buildings containing 15 or more dwelling units except for buildings assigned to tier i or tier iv. S chun li s yun a ken dudley a makoto yang a urien akuma ryu oro b hugo b elena ibuki alex c necro twelve remy q d sean. Street fighter video game series the subs mission is to build the fighting game community harbor a. He dominates everywhere zoning spacing poking positioning you name it he is 1 period he even has the crazy 5 hit jab.
Ultra street fighter 4 tiers archive dec. Building not falling within the definition of another tier. Buildings that contain a group a e r 21 r 31 or r 4 occupancy on any story. The street fighter series is no exception and there are various tier lists for most games in the series. The tier list is a classification system that describes the relative success rates of characters in fighting games when played by computer or high level players competitively. Hes easily the best character in this version of the game but it looks like this is the standard ssf4 tier list not specific to the 3ds which doesnt matter anyway im pretty sure no tournaments are going to support this game.
It should be noted that tiers are based on how characters match up with two people of equal skill facing each other. In addition to voting viewing character match ups and the full tier list everyone can look over the 10 current best worst match ups in street fighter 5 as well as the most voted bouts toward. The tier list is conceived by combining metagame the theoritical aspect of the characters gameplay. 114k members in the streetfighter community. 2014 arcadia tier list. How efficiently the theoriestacticscombos are used in high level play.
Super street fighter 4 arcade edition v2012 tiers archive june 2nd 2014. Akuma urien yang ryu ibuki oro elena. Tier 4 power supplies are the top notch psu from various manufactures but almost all of them perform more or less similar. Analysis of every characters matchups their advantagesdisvantages and tournament results practical aspect of the characters gameplay. Figured guile would be god tier considering the lite mode controls.