This category has two proper leaders that provide maximum stat buffs. Card reasoning s1 limitless combat power super saiyan vegeta great jack of all trades unit excellent linkset takes too long for him to transform into his super saiyan blue state loses the ability to stack after transforming s2 sign of a turnaround goku ultra instinct sign excellent hard hitter and tank self sustainable excellent linkset unlike his transformed int.

Skachat The Largest Category In Dokkan Pure Saiyan Category
Pure saiyan category tier list. Consists of characters who are pure saiyan by birth. If there are any event restrictions then players will. Most of their cards are top tier and being able to run them all together under a category boost would approach gamebreaking levels. Super saiyan god ss enveloped goku is a unit that although it is not so necessary that you lack in serious battle if it is necessary that it does not lack in your list of characters each time that it launches its super attack it increases its stats and causes immense damage can throw additional things that is very useful in some events but if you have the possibility that it becomes super. This category has extra benefits on these events. Phyboth have their strengths and weaknesses and both are excellent for the team.
For pure saiyans observance of pride super saiyan god ss vegeta as a guest will maximize the teams def while limitless combat power super saiyan vegeta will maximize the team atk. If the previous cards are not available guests unusual evolution broly wrathful is a good pick. Super saiyan 3 broly teq generally i would probably lower this guy down to s tier since he lacks some links like over in a flash but lets not forget this is a pure saiyans category team every kind of link is going to be here this guy is also a nuker so youd want him to get as much orbs as possible hits very very hard s tier worthy. From a story driven standpoint fusions are not pure saiyans because pure saiyans choose to fight alone. The godly categories potara realm of gods super saiyan 3 jpn with lr goku pure saiyans with lr goku and team he has no problem using his ultra super atk resurrected warriors with right units and eza teq cell top tier categories fusion only reason i put em here is due the strict limited time and lack of floaters unit pool. From a gameplay perspective gokuvegeta fusions would dominate the team.
These two cards are the best guests for the team. One is the agl super saiyan god ss vegeta whos used in this team build and the other is limitless combat power ssj vegeta s. This category increases drops on these events.