All weapons barring those rewarded from directives such as the betelgeuse 54 a can be unlocked with daybreak cash or certification points with exception to those that are coloured variants of another weapon such as the ns 11ab only being available for purchase with daybreak cash. As a general rule any assault rifle or carbine that can fit an advanced laser is going to be an awesome weapon.

Planetside 2 Lmgs Iridar S Gaming Blog
Planetside 2 weapon tier list. In other words a low score doesnt mean a weapon is completely unusable and struggles to kill anyone and a high score doesnt mean the weapon just kills everyone by itself and all you need to do is point it at the enemy. The disadvantage is that it takes 28 seconds to reload instead of 26. In this tier list miniux gives each lmg a subjective score that shows how much a skilled user is likely to benefit from the weapon. The trac 5 is a decent gun probably the best of the starter carbines but its not as good as the lynx. In the vr training facility which offers. 5th anniversary special planetside 2 decal for vehicles and armor.
Mlg themed decal for vehicles and armor and 50 boost in xp and resources for 1 hour only works for one character so use on. New player looking for weapon guidetier list hey guys i heard from a friend about ps2 and he started playing a week ago just wanted to know is there any weapon guids or tier list to help me choose my equipment wisely. 6th anniversary special planetside 2 decal for vehicles and armor as well as nsx p naginata lmg weapon. Weapons can also be tested for free through two different methods. This isnt a list of the best as weapons are sidegrades but i go over whic i find fun and effective in some situations. I list my top 10 favourite weapons in planetside 2 the mmofps by daybreak games.
Also i dont mind any tips for armour upgrades etc im having lots of fun playing as vanu infiltrator.