For nioh 2 on the playstation 4 a gamefaqs message board topic titled weapon tier list. A reddit community dedicated to nioh and nioh 2 action rpgs developed by team ninja and published by koei tecmo exclusively on ps4 for release in 2017 and 2019.

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Nioh weapon tier list. I generally find i can use any weapon i pick up and not immediately hate the way it handles. Make sure you get the best possible weapon for your build in nioh 2 with the help of this best weapons tier listperiod. Useful information on each weapon type and recommended weapons for players wondering which weapon to use. There are a lot of great weapons in nioh 2. Can someone lmk how i can post a pic here. I took a screen shot of my great frog spear i just dont see an option for showing it here for proof.
I still cant play decent with the latter 3 weapons. Weapons in nioh and information about their stats is shown below. The rarer the item the more beneficial status effects it will possess. But of course the best weapon is the one that fits your personal build the best. You may equip 2 melee weapons and 2 ranged weapons with ammunition. Thanks in advance to anyone that can help.
For me a lot of weapon types just feel shitty to play with. I was wondering what are the weapon types considered the best in nioh. Weapon type tier list nioh 2. Weapon type tier list. Common uncommon rare exotic. Just started wotwise and im not sure what to do next to start my wotn end game build.
Current weapon tier list 3 comments. Ive been having a lot of success with odachi so far but i have no idea whats good or bad later on. 1 9 comments. Jonathan leack monday february 06 2017. Thats not the case with nioh. Weapons are color coded by their rarity.
Spears nioh wiki 16 mar 2017 0214. Early on in your nioh adventure youre going to have to make an important decision. I think its more about personal mastery of a weapon than tier list tbh for me outside of using cheese tactics of coz. Sure all weapons can be good in dark souls but i think what i was trying to say is that i dont feel like theyre all viable. Nioh 2 best weapons tier list. Niohs best weapon types to use.