Long swords enables fast fluid movement and combos but it cannot be used to guard. Also i will be mentioning some specific notable weapons from each tier to work on in your weapon tree.

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Mhw longsword tier list. After taking a quick weapon tier survey for mhw all the monster hunter world players roughly tie with new patches. Solo weapon tier list. Mhw tier list iceborne mhw best weapons with the release of iceborne which weapons in monster hunter are the best now. For full details including iceborne expansion weapon tree please see long sword weapon tree. Weapon type ranking lists. Divine slasher reaver calamity taroth sword fire empress sword styx guides gameplays videos and more other about this game.
Lance s tier heavy bowgun. Co op weapon tier list. Tier ss charge blade great sword switch axe heavy bowgun. Long sword recommended skill list skills to increase attack counteract sharpness loss. Below is a list of long swords found in monster hunter world in a comparative table showing their. Monster hunter world weapon tier list.
Like all weapons it features a unique moveset and an upgrade path that branches out depending on the materials usedplease see weapon mechanics for details on the basics of your hunter tools. Find out info on stats weapon skills and why theyre good. Recommended skills for higher attack damage. Tier sss long sword dual blades bow tier ss. When youre keen on using the long sword its important to increase your weapons attack power while countering its tendency to lose sharpness quickly over the course of the hunt. Check what the latest patch has to offer.
Iceborne long sword best endgame weapon tier list gamewith. Check out this guide on the tier ranking of the best endgame long sword weapons of monster hunter world. Long sword weapon tree. Sword and shield charge blade c tier. This list whenever we come across any new surveys that are taken in the wake of changeups to the way weapons work in mhw. Long sword weapon tree for monster hunter world mwh showcases the different upgrade paths for the long sword weapon category.
One thing to keep in mind about any monster hunter world weapon tier list is that capcom do like to adjust the game every now and. Great sword light bowgun b tier. Long sword 太刀 tachi is a weapon category in monster hunter world mhw. Are one of the 14 different weapons players can choose from to hunt with. Monster hunter world weapon tier lists. Mhw weapon meta tier list long sword.
However the long sword is in d tier for multiplayer since its swordsman spirit combos tend to trip everyone around them and it offers little utility besides damage to the rest of the team. Tier sss dual blades light bowgun long sword.