Tier 1 2 might be only better then a tier 4 5 but its because most of those players may know each other in t12 and are more likely in a group using voice coms where the tier 4 5 players are just using in game voip saying they have a mic and dont communicate as much. Builds are considered min maxed which may sometimes assume a high level of aptitude on part of the pilot.

Support Tier List Ceres M Guide And Tips
Mechwarrior online tier list. Keep in mind laser vomit with duel cool shot is really strong right now. These builds are often optimal for normal play as well but their tier placement can be different. This list focuses on the competitive scene drawing from the state of player run leagues. As always consider playstyle and this is only a rough guide. Move kdk 3 to tier 3 for the same reason you have mcii 1 in tier 3 kdk 3 is obsoleted by mcii b. And frankly its not even the top of tier 3.
After the clan heatgen nerf and c mpl range nerf its not as brutal but still passes for tier 2 imo. Please feel free to add your own recommendations and build ideas. The aforementioned tier list still seems largely accurate it just misses a quotease of usequot. And maybe a little clarification of the balance between weight classes. Impactful is defined as how much influence you have over a games outcome. The tier list is most accurate when you are playing solo and does not take into account either teams composition the current map or hero bans.
Lets try and keep an up to date list of meta mechs recommended for soloq here on steam. Torso speed isnt enough to punish peekers. This site is an isengrim project created by tarogato and scuro and is supported by our community contributors a tireless legion of trusted and proven high tier competitive mechwarriors who live the meta and are dedicated to providing the community with curated mech builds mech ranking lists and the occasional tutorial and informative guide. While id agree that the pir and wlf are the best lights id argue that theyre not on par with t0 heavies. I always tweak my builds. Grimmechs tier lists take each variant in the game and rates its best representive build against all other mechs.
This tier list is ordered from most to least impactful heroes in hero league.