Omni vs dau tier 1 alliance war. If they lose more than 753 percent of health from a single strike they gain industructible buff for 6810 seconds.

Tier List For Aw Defense Results Contestofchampions
Mcoc aw defender tier list. Best alliance war defenders by class. Alliance war defender suggestion tier 1 to tier 12 the following defensive list if applicable for intermediate tiers hard tiers challenger tier and expert tier. Seatin man of legends 216746 views. If i missed a defender that works great on any specific node please let me know by comment. 4 my alliance recently ranked up to tier 2 before that weve been at tier 3 all of season 2. The right masteries like limber make a huge difference on aw defense but i can see where youre coming from with saying sabretooth isnt a good defender.
Doctor doom vs champion boss. Recently my 4 max sig ability sabretooth got 10 kills on node 24. Looking for an alliance war season 10 defense placement guide. I am open to any kind of feedback you guys have. Offense tier list offense tier list is totally based on attack champs and useful for personal progress in game. A tool for viewing and planning alliance war maps in marvel.
There are already 200000 tier list templates available on tiermaker and you can make a tier list for nearly anything by searching for the topic you are interested in or starting on our category page. Best champions ranked july 2020 seatins tier list marvel contest of champions duration. Without them you cannot do progress in aq aw attack story quest event quest special quest. Metal defendersare immune to armor break debuffs. I n contest of champions tier list is divided into 2 separate section. How to play mcoc like a pro 12 skills to learn marvel contest of champions tips duration.
Here champs are divided into beyond god tier god tier demi god tier mid tier low tier and bottom tier. Here you will get mcoc tier list mcoc top 10 champs mcoc best champs to rankup mcoc aw placement guide mcoc faq page and many more tips. Type of defender and attackers tactics their buffs and the list of defendersattackers to get benefit from them. Mcoc best defenders mcoc best defense plan attack team guide aw map aw defender placement guide including main boss mini boss suggestions based on node.