Be that as it may most players cant keep up an ideal pivot which makes them put out lower dps than berserkers and runebladers. First its important to note that kms and gms are not exactly the same.

Maplestory 2 Classes Guide Progametalk
Maplestory dps tier list. If other factors such as useful abilities against bosses mobbing potential tankiness and value in a party were taken into consideration this tier list would be very different. Right off the bat classes are positioned dependent on their dps in end game attacks. Hopefully you found this chart and tier list helpful in determining which classes have the highest dps. This tier list ranks classes from maplestory in tiers purely based on their dps. Maplestory best class tier list the following is a list of all classes in the global version of maplestory gms ranked based on their damage output. Keep in mind that all characters are viable in maplestory 2 but if you enjoy a min max build or doing the most dpshealstanking with a particular class then this ms2 tier list is for you.
However most players arent able to keep up a perfect rotation which causes them to put out lower dps than berserkers and runebladers. Ss knight priest. Majority of the list is very debatable. Dps rankings are based on calculations against a single target with only one part to attack which reflects a class performance against some bosses. Thief specifically is ranked lower than its actual maximum dps. Dont take this chart too seriously.
Even if we assumed this chart was 100 accurate again it probably isnt it doesnt mean that merc does any less damage than it already does nor does it take away from the fact that merc still excels in real bossing situations especially with 01 as. Firstly classes are ranked based on their dps in end game raids. This maplestory 2 tier list is also post awakening and updated for 2019. While this is interesting im certain that it has little to no relevance in gms. Fp bossing low its supposed to be one of the best bossing classes aran mobbing high aran mobbing is bad shadower mobility bossing and utility low its a really good bossing class with great utility smokescreen is hella broken. However keep a few things in mind.
This tier list will be based on classes performance in normalhard dungeons and pve related activities at lvl 50 60. Ss meaning pretty much perfect f meaning trash needs to be deleted from game. No other factor than damage alone is taken into consideration in this dps tier list. And one of their 5th jobs is literally like 5 dashes the list goes on. It would just mean. Gms has exclusive classes such as beast tamer jett kanna and hayato that are not included in this chart.
This maplestory 2 tier list positions the best classes from the game dependent on various elements. This is not a highest dps best pvp best end game class list but if youd like to see those let me know with a reply. This maplestory 2 tier list ranks the best classes from the game based on different factors. Cheat explicitly is positioned lower than its real greatest dps.