The following list contains over 360 watch brands ranked in a pecking order hierarchy from entry level to ultra luxury based on their typical price point quality and exclusivity delineating between swiss and non swiss brands. Brands are the best way to show off wealth and there is a flood of new millionaires around the world who like showing off.

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Luxury brands tier list. This is the luxury power ranking. Most new luxury watch brands founded in the later half of the 20th century have tended more towards the hefty and bulky look see hublot and bell ross. Nomos is an exception. The industry darling has set itself apart by producing interesting attractive dials with top notch movements. According to data from luxury e commerce platform secoo major luxury brands still dominate among lower tier consumers who may have more recently made the leap onto the luxury ladder. My list of watch brands below will cover most brands in the market from the entry level to the crème de la crème of fine swiss watchmaking.
Rambourg created a brand pyramid to show how major brands range in accessibility from everyday luxuries like starbucks to ultra high end luxury like graff diamonds. The brands bought are actually more important than the level of money. Watch brands by fashion designers such as gucci calvin klein and hugo boss are not listed and are generally considered as tier 6 although some of them do carry well made movements. Luxe tier list generated from the luxury brands and clothes tier list template. There is also a difference in the luxury brands that are popular among first and second tier city men in china compared to their lower tier counterparts.