Narm sr archer. Surpisingly enough vargas can really be a damage sponge for almost all types of physical attacks especially melee.

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Langrisser tier list sr. Cn langrisser tier list it looks like not all heroes are on the list or maybe i overlooked some. Tales of crestoria has so many ssr and sr characters. Furthermore this list is heavily influenced by the. At the top of the list for best sr heroes in langrisser mobile is vargas who is near ssr level when it comes to defensive stats and abilities and is the best substitute for ledin as a tank. Only thing holding him back from ss tier is his vulnerability to magic damage. This page was last edited on 20 february 2020 at 1905.
9 langrisser m tier list 2 sr units top 10 sr part 2 club wisdom 8 ranking v1 club wisdom 8. Level 50 sr gear is way better than level 20 ssr gear and we wont have the resources until level 60 to farm them up to adequate level. The 2 mobility aura from talent has niche uses. Many good alternatives to using him. Increases atkdefmax 9 upon crit hit steals 1 buff from the enemy reduces damage taken increases crit damage. Bandai namcos anime fantasy rpg tales of crestoria is now available worldwide on google play store and ios app store.
Kirkikaze sr infantry. Factors such as power value on a team place in the meta are taken into consideration when putting together this list. Find out the top tier best ssr and sr characters in this tales of crestoria tier list. Many cn players including me confirm this generally corresponds to how frequently they get certain equipments from any sources of ssr equipments except for the equipment gatcha including goddess trials dragons ssr accessoryequipment boxes from shops such as honor. Content is available under cc by nc sa 30 unless otherwise noted. Best units tier list ranking criteria this tier list ranks the best heroes from langrisser in tiers based on how useful they are on a team.
Best sr heroes in langrisser mobile. I doubt i will get a regular accessory that i love more than the holy ark on vargas even if i cant upgrade it. Game content and materials are trademarks and copyrights of their respective publisher and its licensors. Generally yes but certain ssr accessories break that rule if the unique effect is good enough. Silverwolf sr unit holy. Increases crit rate reduces cooldown upon crit atk restores hp.
Just let me know if someones missing. Talent brings damage reduction and revival which is extremely powerful. Continuing from video 3 ssr to rating sr units to pull for. Free sr flier with a strong talent but too many excellent fliers can replace him. Langrisser mobile tier list tier 5 heroes. This drop rate tier list is based on personal experiences as opposed to data mining or server hacking etc.
Read sr but pronounced ssr.