State department keeps japan on top tier of human trafficking list for second year a vietnamese intern left works at a steel processing plant in funabashi chiba prefecture in october. A the absolute number of victims of severe forms of trafficking is very significant or is significantly increasing.

Belize Upgraded To Tier 2 Watch List In The 2019 Trafficking
Human trafficking tier list. Department of state placed singapore on a human trafficking tier 2 watch list. The tvpa lists additional factors to determine whether a country should be on tier 2 or tier 2 watch list versus tier 3. The 2020 trafficking in person report had placed nigeria on a tier two watch list meaning that nigeria failed to meet the minimum standards of compliance as regards human trafficking. The government lacks political will and capacity to fully address human trafficking as evidenced by ineffective law enforcement efforts official complicity penalization of victims and the continued conflation of. There are different levels or tiers that have been formed for the different countries in how they participate in working towards ending human trafficking. Tier 1 is the highest ranking indicating that a government has acknowledged the existence of human trafficking made efforts to address the problem and complies with the tvpas minimum standards.
The trafficking in persons report or the tip report is an annual report issued by the us. Tier 2 watch list pakistan does not fully comply with the minimum standards for the elimination of trafficking. Rather a tier 1 ranking indicates that a government has acknowledged the existence of human trafficking has made efforts to address the problem and meets the tvpas minimum standards. Trafficking in persons report tier placements. State departments office to monitor and combat trafficking in personsit ranks governments based on their perceived efforts to acknowledge and combat human trafficking. There are five different tiers.
Timeline of key events. Second the extent to which the countrys government does not meet the tvpas minimum standards and in particular the extent to which officials or. The tier system falls into 3 tiers tiers 1 2 3 and a tier 2 watch list. So how do we decide which countries are the most prone for human trafficking. Tier 1 tier 2 tier 2 watch list tier 3 and special case. Tier 2 watch list countries whose governments do not fully meet the tvpas minimum standards but are making significant efforts to meet those standards and.
The trafficking in persons tip report published by the us. However it is making significant efforts to do so. Each year governments need to demonstrate appreciable progress in combating trafficking to maintain a tier 1 ranking. First the extent to which the country is a country of origin transit or destination for severe forms of trafficking. A category for countries that have a significant number of trafficking victims and which failed to show efforts to combat the situationwithin the same year the singapore government formed the inter agency taskforce on.