Legendary effects and blessings are not considered as part of a units potential. These heroes are not definitively weak but are less consistent in most team compositions.

Fire Emblem Heroes Tier List Updated Feb Week 3 The Takumi
Heroes 3 unit tier list. Navy seals and tier 3 is reserved for large and conventional warfare units. These heroes suffer from more prominent weaknesses demand greater investment and may be comparatively inferior to units in higher tiers. Report errors on the talk page. There are currently a total of 1308 articles. This is the epic 7 hero tier list for global server. Sacred stones unit guide.
Idle heroes tier list 2020 is the best endgame tier list to build a strong and competent team. Tier 5 units have passable match ups against most units but tend to struggle to compete against a selection of heroes. The alchemist code global tier list and build guide. Keep in mind this is just an opinion and you must still make your own informed decision on whether you want to invest in the character or not. Welcome to homm era of chaos tier list page. It provides an option to see all the best heroes for the current metagame pvppve.
From heroes 3 wiki. Tier 1 receives the most then tier 2 etc. 1castle 2rampart 3tower 4dungeon 5necropolis 6stronghold 7conflux 8fortress 9inferno creatures. Newbie questions and question whether a certain unit is good or not should be asked in global helpif you have experience with the game you may freely discuss unit ratings in wiki unit ratings. World adventure mode and farming. By clicking on the character picture you will find important information regarding selected character.
The tier system was designed by jsoc joint special operations commandsome information suggests that tiers are also classified by the fundings they get. This wiki aims to be a complete reference to heroes of might and magic iii. Jump to navigation jump to search. Ratings are maintained by ffbe subreddits discord. There are 3 quality tiers tier 1 is filled with the best heroesunits tier 2 with good and tier 3 with average heroesunits. These lists provide a rough estimate of units utility when used by casual players.
Scoring factors common to all heroes such as rarity and level are not considered. Level 1 1centaur captain 2halberdier 3sprite 4skeleton warrior 5master gremlin 6hobgoblin 7gnoll marauder 8infernal trog 9familiar level 2 1harpy hag 2marksman 3storm elemental 4battle dwarf 5wolf raider 6obsidian gargoyle 7lizard warriors 8magog 9zombie level 3. Tier 1 is reserved for the best of the best while tier 2 is the pot for regular sof units etc. Heroes that have the potential to score higher in arena are rated higher. Magni historia unit guide. Here you will find all characters divided by role faction and tiers.
This tier list is automatically generated. The current characters are graded based on their performance on the following areas.