S tier rmp mage lock s tier windwalker dh rmpala jungle a tier dh dk windwalker dk windwalker destro assa destro war destro ele destro shadowplay double destro b tier ele boomkin ww boomkin dh war tsg ret war war mage sp hunter. Home world of warcraft pvp pvp arena tier list.

Tier List Healers In Raid Patch 8 2 5
Healer tier list bfa. Welcome to our world of warcraft healer rankings updated for the current battle for azeroth bfa patch 83 visions of nzoth as well as the latest raid nyalotha. Sedna dentarg 17 january 2020 1104 1. This healing class is great for healing but will also dish out a ton of damage. Specifically it is almost disingenuous to put shamans and paladins in a tier below priests when they bring some of the best buffs in the game and are critical to every raid composition. Wow bfa class tier list strongest and weakest classes revealed bfa classes listed in a tier list style for both pve and pvp. Raids everyone is equally important and usually people want a combination of different classes instead of stacking the same healer.
Out of all the different tier lists between dps tanks and healers the healing tier list is by far the closest between the tiers. S top tier fire mage. Wow healer rankings tier list bfa 83. Paladin is close behind with a huge utility toolkit and insane burst dmg. I have played 56 healing spec in bfa except resto shaman and to tell you the truth i rather play the priest because it is fun to play. S tier destro rdruidholy priest assa disc dh rshamanrdruid a tier assa pala ww pala survival pala feral disc dk mw.
There are also healer rankings and tank rankings on our site just in case you are interested. M generally druid is great because of combat ress and hot healing countering grievous. Mythic dungeons at level 120 for both single target and aoe situations. Their burst healing combined with defensive abilities makes them one of the better pvp healers. Discholy sht tier for 83 m. Before we get to the tier list below its always important to add disclaimers.
A common combo for 20man raid is discodruidpaladin. Underneath each comp there is a recommended alternative healer if you cannot find the best healer. Sign up for personalized coaching. A high tier arms warrior. Bfa 83 healer pvp tier list tell me what your top healers are for bfa patch 83 in the comments below. Method ranking of 83 m healers.
The order which you will see is not meant to infer that the classes are incapable of doing high level mythic but more to highlight where the current meta is heading help returning healers in making a decision on what to play if theyre on the fence and to discuss why these classes do so well. Wow dps rankings tier list bfa 83. Pvp arena tier list battle for azeroth bfa last updated on nov 02 2019 at 1530 by mysticall 7 comments.