The wind tier list has been overhauled due to the advent of spirals. You will be guaranteed at least 1 5 star evolution unit from the paid x11 hero summons.

Saitama Punched Boros Into Global Grand Summoners Gamerbraves
Grand summoners 5 star tier list. Press the x to clear the search or use backspace. Hello my fellow summoners. They are not tier 1 but are much more powerful. Check out the tier list explanation for a summary on each tier list placement. The list is and will be maintained by a group of individuals who discuss mainly on the discord server they are open to any constructive. Hawk and tobias are now the new meta for wind.
The grand summoners compendium by the players for the players. The tier list is therefore just a comparison tool to judge these servants by their relative performance. Their performance often vastly outpaces those of lower rarities and each of them is worth investing in. Click headers to sort from low to high then again to sort from high to low. The immortal man ends september 17th at midnight utc. Updated as of the 2nd of june 2020.
These monsters could hold their own against monsters of s tier when runed well and put into the right team compositions but ultimately the s tier outclasses them in pvp on an individual level. There is a limited superhero festival hero summon which opens twice per month. All units who receive a significant improvement with their true weapon are rated assuming it is equipped. 5 tier list explanation all 5 servants are excellent. You can find the list here but i highly discourage selling any five star units. Units that are highlighted are subject to re evaluation in the near.
Lin you and su fang are promoted to tier 15. This tier list has been put together by members of the tiering team of the gs official discord server. It is a constant work in progress and there may be units or awakenings missing. Petrify to find all heroes with it or crystal lion to see the latest hero. That is where the most useful and top tier units will be released on a limited occasion. Any unit can get an awakening at any time to make it top tier.
Content is available under cc by nc sa 30 unless otherwise noted. And anyways you receive the 500 alch stones by limit breaking a unit with a dupe and an extra rainbow gem after mlb. Many adventurers have been demoted including the entire previous meta bunch in wedding elisanne victor and noelle. A tier monsters are typically very close to s tier monsters in their utility and skill sets especially when it comes to rta. Game content and materials are trademarks and copyrights of their respective publisher and its licensors. I am proud to announce that a new and up to date tier list has been created and will be considered the official one as of now.
Global grand summoners pve tier list. Below is version 009y last updated on august 1 2020 to view detailed information on all hero and leader skills visit the skill list page. Battle against the silent holy knight. This page was last edited on 19 may 2020 at 0529.