You should keep in mind that tier lists are usually focused specifically on arena so they arent always a good indicator of a units performance in other modes. In particular ranged units are often underrated by tier lists due to the inherently lower arena score caused by lower bst.

Epic Seven Reroll Tier List Source Tier List
Fire emblem heroes tier list reroll. 95 10 deep devotion 5 star focus. Your list looks like it came from a tier list. These heroes are not definitively weak but are less consistent in most team compositions. This walkthrough covers the best heroes to reroll when first starting out in fire emblem heroes feh. Tier 5 units have passable match ups against most units but tend to struggle to compete against a selection of heroes. This method pulls around 18 heroes with 67 chance to pull any 5 hero.
In the summoning session tap on a stone and summonpull a hero. Repeat steps 8 and 9 on two other banners consuming all 45 orbs. This should consume 15 orbs. Use the information available here to build the best team possible. Continue redeeming until all five stones have been pulled. Generally youll need to make sure the fire emblem heroes reroll you receive is strong check out the fire emblem heroes tier list so you dont throw away an amazing roll.
2 aether raids tier list 3 heroes 4 fire emblem heroes iv calculator 5 feh summon simulator 6 ivs and their importance 7 content update archive 8 phantom res 3 9 aether raids tier list article august 4th 2. This is a tier list of the strongest heroes currently available in the game fire emblem heroes feh. These heroes suffer from more prominent weaknesses demand greater investment and may be comparatively inferior to units in higher tiers. Youll want to get one that has really good stats and skills so you can have a much easier time progressing through the arena mode and story mode and advancing through your missions. Redeem the free hero from the remaining banners. Read ahead to find explanations on which characters will make your playthrough of fire emblem heroes progress more smoothly.
This fire emblem heroes reroll tier list is updated day by day. To make if the most correct one the ream really appreciate your suggestionscomments on that.