And ffbe is the world of rain. 60 mag60 spr is already a lots of stats and its versatile enough to be used on a lots of units.

Top 15 Best Tmr Ffbe Final Fantasy Brave Exvius 2018
Ffbe tmr tier list. Engel ayaka federica sterne viktora xmas ramada and xmas macherie gilga and thancred can also get into this tier for their functions but they are taken down a tier for their costs. Daughter of destinys oerbas boon. As a veteran of ffbe i was surprised by this and i have to commend the wotv global team for seeing a good idea. These lists provide a rough estimate of units utility when used by casual players. Check out the full tier list of ffbe wotv. I personally wouldnt any offensive 4 star tmr or below.
General tierlist mediena cid lucia and vinera are in the highest tier since they are widely useable and really good. Tierlist breakdown you war of the visions. I know tmr wasnt looked at in this list but 15 flat evade with 400 some hp does. Ratings are maintained by ffbe subreddits discord. The death resist is the cherry on top. Christines winter child.
The following tier list is far from the final word on any of these units and i created it only because i havent found a. Heck any ur will end up in s tier with this lists trash logic. When the top seats should be rare not common and reserved for all. Obviously this list is trash. My top tier tmrs are tmrs for 5 base units that i have dupes of so they can equip their stuff at 7. The full table of tier list with rating of each hero and jobs.
Malphasie nagi and gilgamesh tells you no. Are you looking for a tier list of ffbe wotv. Ffbe guide tierlist read more. Newbie questions and question whether a certain unit is good or not should be asked in global helpif you have experience with the game you may freely discuss unit ratings in wiki unit ratings. The ffbe wiki has recently replaced their tmr ratings with just a list of the tmrs with no rating or rankingi know altema has a rating system but. Theres definitely some bias going on since half of all the ur is s tier and above.
You will need an average of 10000 dungeon clears to obtain 100 trust mastery from 0. Yet mdw is rare enough for it be high in the tier list. Just got a dupe prompto today but i have lots of his moogles so didnt need to put him in the earth shrine. Currently thats nyx and duke. You wont obtain tmr if you fuse a 100 trust mastery unit to another unit of the same character to avoid easily repeating the reward also it is disabled for equal units. Combining multiple units and using trust moogles will vastly reduce that amount.
It doesnt take into consideration the roles of the characters supporttankdps. Its a spin off of ffbe that rips off as much as possible from the alchemists code and final fantasy tactics without being a direct sequel and somehow manages to have a monetization worse than both the alchemists code and ffbe. But ive been tm farming for ages and i have tons of everything so my tier list is simply my own.