7 feh content update. Awhile ago i made skill inheritance tier lists basically evaluating the worth of a units skills for inheritance with two separate tiers for 4 star and 3 star.

Fire Emblem Heroes Grand Hero Battle Linus Infernal Lunatic No Skill Inheritance Guide
Feh skill inheritance tier list. Berkuts lance is not a particularly great weapon at first but upgrading it at the weapon refinery can essentially give whoever wields it res11 making. Fearless warrior manual will have the same skills available as a 3 bartre. 07302020 mythic hero. Even with this list it is recommended to keep at least one of each unit for hero merit andor future quests missions. Rating criteria this tier list compares skills on their potential as a skill inheritance source. This is a tier list of the strongest heroes currently available in the game fire emblem heroes feh.
No more than 4 skills may be inherited from a single manual and the manual will disappear after one or more skills have been inherited from it. Many of the weapon skills that placed highly on our rankings can gain special effects when upgraded via the weapon refinery. Yes i know in the last update i said we wouldnt be posting every tier list update to the subreddit but this one is pretty significant even moreso than the last one. Skill inheritance tool fire emblem. Some of these heroes may be more niche or have less specialised stat distributions than units in the above tiers or will be more dependant on certain skills but they can still perform their given role well. Because of skill inheritance you should always be checking every opponents skills.
1 aether raids tier list 2 heroes 3 fire emblem heroes iv calculator 4 feh summon simulator 5 ivs and their importance 6 aether raids tier list article august 4th 2. Gamepress skill inheritance tier list patch notes 19th of september 919 discussion. Tips for inheriting weapon skills weapons that can gain unique effects in the weapon refinery are extremely useful. Skill inheritance value tier list for 3 4 star units. Manuals can only act as a source for skill inheritance not as the recipient. Use the information available here to build the best team possible.
Feh fire emblem heroes tier list. Tier 4 units are respectable heroes with good matchups against common units. For example a 3 bartre. 8 arena scoring explained 9 guides 10 phantom spd 3. I am now confident that this tier list is very close to objective truth. Alext96 january 25 2020.