Our tier list currently is divided into four tiers which represent varying power levels of each unit or hero. See how it compares to the other auto battlers out there.

Yet Another Tier List 2 Feb Update I M Bishop 4 Autochess
Dota 2 auto chess guide tier list. Use this as a general guide for picking units for your auto chess team. The battlegrounds mode inside hearthstone. Our dota 2 auto chess tier list for july 2019 lists all the races classes and combinations from strongest to weakest based on community feedback. Auto chess strategies tier list in auto chess everything can work. Dota 2s auto chess custom mode is a remarkable success story. Auto chess tier list a work in progress evaluation of the strongest units.
These units represent the current top tier picks in the meta. Dota auto chess tier list. The list is updated periodically. Day after day the highly popular moba has only garnered more and more fervent players. Tier 1 strong. What we can learn.
This list shows the dota auto chess heroes organized by class and species. Check out our tier list for the greatest auto chess heroes down below. Auto chess upgrades upgrading and combining chess pieces over time. It indicates synergies gold cost and chess pieces required. The undisputed dota 2 tier list dotahaven text drafting funny. The dota auto chess tier list splits the hero units in five tiers based on their strength and usefulness.
Auto chess free candy how to earn candy and what you can. The most important piece in a warrior lineup troll warlord is an absolutely incredible dps that has excellent tribals on top of it and is the main reason 4troll warrior is so strong but even the 2 troll synergy is often worth it with warlordeven without any particular synergy troll warlord is the destroyer of creeps and is amazing in any army with enough. I have spent time studying the best layout for this synergy list as many auto chess players do not play also dota 2. Auto chess starting strategies tried and tested opening gambits. The newest topic of interest to the dota community however is auto chess. Summit 11 grand finals.
One of the keys to achievement in dota auto chess is realizing what units are more grounded than others simply like dota 2 or some other saint based game so far as that is concerned. If you follow some positioning economy and bench management common sense and importantly if you are a little bit lucky with your shop rolls you can win with any strategy. First off its not even an official valve mode but a community mod. A basic guide for dota underlords city crawl campaign a basic tips how to get the most out of it. By mrniceguy read more. The dota 2 auto chess tier list is divided into four tiers.
Auto chess vincenzo skulz milella june 19 2019 analysis tier lists heroes comment auto chess vincenzo skulz milella june 03 2019 analysis heroes 2 comments. Dota 2 has received incredible success over the past years. Auto chess levelling how levelling and xp works in dota auto chess.