Initially announced to release in the fall of 2016 it was later pushed back to an. These heroes suffer from more prominent weaknesses demand greater investment and may be comparatively inferior to units in higher tiers.

Fire Emblem Heroes Wiki Tier List Source Tier List
Fe heroes wiki tier list. World of awakening c5. A fire emblem mobile app was announced on april 27 2016 as a part of nintendos effort to bring their content to the mobile phone market. The game was launched on android and ios devices on february 2 2017 in territories worldwide. This tier list is automatically generated. Meanwhile d is the lowest tier and features characters that are noticeably weaker compared to the rest of the roster. 08052020 pirates pri.
Indicates that the unit is currently a 5 exclusive hero. Use the information available here to build the best team possible. World of birthright c7. A power awakens int. Back to awakening c9. The rite of blades.
Bitter enemies c13. World of zenith c1. World of binding c4. As with all tier lists ratings can be subjective and should only serve as a general guideline. This is a tier list of the strongest heroes currently available in the game fire emblem heroes feh. Important this tier list factors in full use of skill inheritance and merge allies when rating heroes and is targeted specifically at arena play.
World of radiance c11. 6 ivs and their importance 7 feh manga 8 guides 9 heavy blade 3 10 new offense tier list. This walkthrough covers the best heroes to reroll when first starting out in fire emblem heroes feh. World of mystery c2. Diabolical bloodline int. Read ahead to find explanations on which characters will make your playthrough of fire emblem heroes progress more smoothly.
Back to mystery c6. These heroes are not definitively weak but are less consistent in most team compositions. The heroes found in each tier are listed alphabetically. Indicates that the unit is obtained through other means than summoning. Heroes that have the potential to score higher in arena are rated higher. Fire emblem heroes is a mobile phone app developed by intelligent systems.
Tier 5 units have passable match ups against most units but tend to struggle to compete against a selection of heroes. World of conquest c3. Heroes invade c10. Report errors on the talk page. 1 aether raids tier list 2 heroes 3 feh summon simulator 4 fire emblem heroes iv calculator 5 feh content update. There is no official fire emblem heroes feh tier list but players online have worked together to find the best characters in fire emblem heroesthis list is a culmination of opinions so keep.
Scoring factors common to all heroes such as rarity and level are not considered. Rite of shadows c12. Ratings in this tier list factor in skill inheritance with some minor restrictions. Were using the classic s a b c to d system for the purposes of this list with s being the highest tier that contains all the most powerful heroes. World of blazing c8.