Battle mode that consist of a wide and ever growing cast of beloved protagonists and antagonists from various disney and pixar films. Use our disney movie tier list tier list template to create your own tier list.

Disney Sorcerer S Arena Tier List Best Heroes Guide
Disney heroes tier list. So most of the new players are worried regarding the tier list. We have classified this tier list in multiple tier versions. Created apr 2 2018. Disney heroes tier list patch 162 hi everyone i see a lot of posts requesting for current hero tier listings. A subreddit dedicated to the mobile game disney heroes. So in this guide you will get disney sorcerers arena heroes tier list.
This list excludes the 2 latest characters and is based on level 95 orange 1 cap on servers 2 8. Post content relevant to disney heroes battle mode. Disney sorcerer arena is the ultimate turn based rpg app with real time pvp create a team with popular disney and pixar characters and test your skills in the action packed pvp arena. Dang i missed a hero thnx for telling me i put him in b tier cuz he is decent for tanking. Heroes are playable characters in disney heroes. You can increase your heroes power levels by using badges memory disk mods hero chips collection buffs and.
Sss tierbest ones ss tierexcellent s tiergoodaverage situational a tieraverage b tierbad and c tiercluelesstrash. Battle mode on android and ios. As i play at the top 01 i thought id share my view. In todays post we have shared disney sorcerers arena tier list featuring the disney sorcerers arena best characters. Disney heroes battle mode march 2020 tier list generated from the disney heroes 2020 february tier list template.