Destiny 2 exotic tier list as of july 2020 this list covers both pve and pvp but pay special attention to the excels in column as it clarifies what the best exotics for pve or pvp are. Unsurprisingly hunters are still the best class when it comes to pvp.

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Destiny pvp tier list. Destiny child tier list pve pvp raids world boss. In making this tier list i took into account weapon usage the range of useable weapons within a class and my own personal experience with destiny 2. Destiny 2 best pvp classes ranked. Some of the weapons have been updated since that season and a new hc tier list video will be released in the future. This hand cannon tier list is for season of opulence pvp in destiny 2. The best of the best these weapon types are some of the most.
Whether youre fighting in pvp or pve its always a good idea to bring an auto rifle along for the journey. We have crafted this list depending on the views analysis experiences and calculations of several players of destiny child. Tops our pvp list thanks to an arsenal that is designed to be an absolute menace in pvp and exotics that just feed into that power even more. Contents1 destiny child 5 star units tier list pve11 tier 10 best pve units12 tier 913 tier 814 tier 715 tier 616 tier 5 worst pve units2 best destiny child pve heroeschilds21 dana 22 change 23 maat 24 newbie mona 25 bathory 26 eve3 destiny child 5 star units tier list. Destiny 2 best auto rifles ranked destiny 2 has great options for auto rifles and after warmind dropped they only got stronger. Their mobility supers abilities and even exotics all give them such a major advantage in the crucible.
The list is organized into character classes for providing easy references and navigation. This makes them quite difficult to kill as they can be difficult to pin down in a fight. Destiny 2 pvp tier list 1. The list reflects the meta as of august 2020 ill update it in the future to reflect buffs and nerfs down the line.