These guns are the most popular among players in the game right now. Destiny 2s season of arrivals has been out for a little while so here is a tiered list of the best weapon types and key weapons to go after.

The Best Weapons In Destiny 2 And Where To Find Them
Destiny 2 pve weapon tier list. In making this tier list i took into. Your fireteam needs you guardian. Check your profile and weapon statistics. A year ago nobody would have guessed that auto rifles would dominate the crucible or that a sword of all things would be the dps weapon of choice for high level bosses. So if youre looking to shred your enemies in raids strikes and nightfalls then these are the ones you are going to want to have equipped. There are so many weapons in destiny 2 exotic or otherwise that it can be really hard to know which weapons are best suited for pve crucible or gambityouve got a bank full of weapons sure but which ones should you actually be using.
Destiny 2 exotic tier list as of july 2020 this list covers both pve and pvp but pay special attention to the excels in column as it clarifies what the best exotics for pve or pvp are. Whether youre grinding for engrams in public events or pounding away at emperor calus in the leviathan raid you need to. For the complete ranking of every pinnacle weapon in destiny 2 visit our tier list here. Our destiny 2 best pve weapons list takes a look at the top options to play with in the new shadowkeep expansion. Destiny 2 season 11 weapon tier list. And yet here we are.
Best weapons for pve raids in destiny 2 2020 first off its worth just getting out of the way that in destiny 2 most stuff can be cleared with almost any weapon if youre good enough. The ordeals master nightmare hunts raids and the pit of heresy dungeon. The destiny 2 meta is in a very interesting place right now. Top 10 destiny 2 pve weapons if you want to have the best weapons to destroy the worst enemies in destiny 2 this is the article for you. View the top destiny 2 players on our leaderboards and how you perform by comparison. The best destiny 2 pve weapons these are the most popular weapons used for end game pve content such as master and grandmaster nightfall.
While its possible to just hop into pve and see what your teammates are using thats not really a fun way to figure out whats what.