Weve added 4 exotics and updated. Exotic armor tier list season.

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Destiny 2 exotics tier list 2020. Today i have the 3rd and final exotic armor tier list for 2020. The best and worst warlock exotics tier list 2020. Exotics are a key part of a guardians loadout. Sorry for the delay hunters. Destiny 2 exotics list. Best exotic legendary weapons for pve in destiny 2 2020 21 delirium machine gun arc power gambit pinnacle weapon obtained from the drifter after completing the triumph notorious.
Same rules as the titanwarlock list. 10 celestial nighthawk since the forsaken trailer released in august 2018 which spawned an incredible resurgence of players to destiny 2 hunters have been personified by their flaming golden revolvers known in the game as golden gun. If you want to dive deep into exotic weapons in destiny 2 which ones are the best which ones are easier to get etc this guide is. The best crucible weapons in destiny 2 july 2020 season of arrivals meta every exotic weapon getting vaulted in destiny 2. Arguably warlocks have some of the best fashion pieces in destiny 2 and one of the reasons is chromatic firea beautifully unique chest piece any warlock can hop into the rdestinyfashion game and enjoy looking good while popping enemies. The list is focused completely around how impactful all exotics.
For those guardians looking for an upper hand in any contest in the travelers cosmos here are the ten best exotics for hunters in destiny 2 so far. The best destiny 2 exotic weapons. With the arrival of destiny 2 forsaken and other events like the season of arrivals more destiny 2 exotics are now available to sample. The list reflects the meta as of august 2020 ill update it in the future to reflect buffs and nerfs down the line. Chromatic fire isnt just for looks though as the exotic grants the perk crystalline transistor which allows precision kills with the primary weapon. Destiny 2 exotic tier list as of july 2020 this list covers both pve and pvp but pay special attention to the excels in column as it clarifies what the best exotics for pve or pvp are.
As youre allowed to only equip one exotic weapon at a time which one to bring with you can be a difficult choice and can sometimes lead to intense debates with your fireteam. Everything you should do before bungie vaults these destiny 2 titles. Our picks are based off a combination of a few different sources. Hello and welcome back to our yearly tier list update. In making this tier list i took into account weapon usage the range of useable weapons within a class and my own personal experience with destiny 2.