Alext96 may 7 2020. For this tier list were focusing on only the assist.

Dragon Ball Fighterz New And Updated Assist Tier List Youtube
Dbfz assist tier list. Honestly the problem with this is that there are 3 layers when it comes to tier list neutral blockstrings and combos. Like he completely omitted mixups in an assist tier list. Aurora legend f2p free to play guide. Goku black piccolo adult gohan frieza hit goku ssj goku ssb. The world champ also suggests using assist a or c for ui goku instead. A fgc focused subreddit for dragon ball fighterz by arc system works.
A few characters in this tier are just too bad to have any real reason to pick them aside from the fact you really like the character so lets hope you arent a big fan of dragon ball supers characters. Puzzle and dragons 31. Some may argue with vegeta ssj being god tier but his assist can keep any combo going and his hitboxes are incredible for combos give him a shot. Click to open outro song mewmore azalea town pokémon gold silver remix httpsyoutu. This is the bottom of the barrel in terms of dbfz characters. Home dbfz dbfz assists guide.
Gimme your thoughts id love to. The only thing keeping him from being a top tier is a lackluster neutral and an only decent assist. Tiers dbfz tiers for dragon. And the overall tier list. 146 votes 58 comments. Fighterz is a 3 vs.
And so we have entered the best of the dlc characters and while base vegeta isnt at the tip top of top tier he still sits comfortably in high tier. You can check out go1s updated season 3 tier list for. Top 10 best heroes in epic seven 2020. God tier vegeta ssj cell kid buu high tier. Thedoss 2 years ago 1. World boss tier list 2020.
3 fighting game that sees a single point character on screen at each time with the others acting as assists. Some characters might be higher than you think. 483k members in the dbfz community. A fgc focused subreddit for dragon ball fighterz by arc system works. One of those players just so happens to be the current dbfz. Dbfz tier list win more with the most powerful characters they posses some good moves and high damage potential as well as great assists.
Characters in this tier just dont work in the kind of game dragonball fighterz is mostly. On top of all of this vegito has pretty good solo damage.