Use the filters. Best urf champions in 2020 by ben holsgrove 2 months ago follow at benjongalong.

The Great Earlygame Urf Tier List Guide Part 2 Earlygame
Champion tier list urf. We analyze millions of urf games to find the best champions. Best urf mode champion. The best champions and comps to use in patch 1010 by josh tyler league of legends urf tier list. League urf champions tier list generated from the league of legends champions tier list template. Check out the metasrc 1012 statistical tier list. Help support our growing community.
League of legends urf champion tier list. The ultra rapid fire tier list is a best urf mode champion pick guide the best champions available in this crazy game mode. A patch 1011 lol champion tier list on mobafire. Pick urf will be activated on thursday 14 may for the first time in 2020 so far but it is not yet known how long the game mode will remain on live servers so make the most of your time. Hover over a champion on the tier list to see a summary of the stats that went into the calculation of their score. Lol tier list with riot partnered stats of ugg.
Best champions based on millions of league of legends matches. S tier being among the strongest picks while f tier full of the weakest. My pick urf tier list. Stay up to date every lol patch with our league of legend tier list guide the best champion picksbans everything you need to rank up in solo queue ranked flex queue for season rewardsplus lots of bonus league tier list guides you can use like for each lane and role. A league of legends tier list created by papicholo. Pick urf one of the most anticipated league of legends game mode is back once again in patch 1010.
In fact urf was so popular when it was released that riot games was forced to make the main game even more sparkling and fun to avoid losing players when the game mode was disabled. Mobafire is a community that lives to help every lol player take their game to the next level by having open access to all our tools and resources. Ultra rapid fire is the most popular league of legends game mode ever. Lol tier list 1016. Pick urf has returned to league of legends with patch 1010our urf tier list is designed to help you pick the best urf champions for the event. Ban rate pick rate and kda to calculate the best champions in league of legends.
This urf tier list will rank all 148 champions based on how strong they are in ultra rapid fire and how high their win rates are likely to be. Sort by win rate tier role rank and region.