Diamond level teams and legend ratings will be reset to high gold or low platinum. New elo old elo 375 15.

Eggsoup S Unbiased 1 13 Tier List Imgur
Brawlhalla tier list season 11. Ranked season 11 faq. S tier if played properly these characters weaknesses are few and far between asuri known for her. There basically is no bottom tier because this game is really balanced leaving low tier aka c tier as the worst and that tier should be made of characters who will not likely win a major tournament like nai. Is there more that comes with the new season. We aggressively brought you back down as a way of resetting the top tiers. Overwatch ranked tier list and meta report.
August season 11 articles vincenzo skulz milella august 22 2018 analysis heroes meta reports comment the overwatch ranked tier list indicates the most popular heroes during season 11. On top of that the tiers are not that big of a difference so there should be no d tier whatsoever. All legends are more than viable for casual players but for some of you that enjoy playing the strongest class easiest beginner hero or the best one for climbing the ranked ladder we have prepared this brawlhalla legends tier list. Moved some characters up based on comments. Tell me if i did a good job d. In this brawlhalla legends tier list we will present to you the strongest and weakest heroes currently in game for the latest 331 patch.
Its the start of ranked season 11. This tier list is bad as lance is not the best weapon and axe doesnt dominate top level. Under 2000 elo at the end of the season. That means players get new avatars glory and borders as rewards for their accomplishments in ranked during season 10. Over 2000 at the end of the season. Take caution i had only a few people to ask for opinions about this and this is by no means an official tier list people in c tier can flawless 3 stock 0 to death people in s tier it does not matter.
Glory can be used in the ranked section of mallhalla to get special colors and weapon skins to show your dedication to your favorite legends.