Jump to general tier list. A patch 108 lol champion tier list on mobafire.

8 3 In Depth Support Tier List Season 8 League Of Legends
League of legends support tier list season 8. The support role in league of legends is either the easiest or the hardest depending on who you ask. For this tier list our focus is on creating a standard tier list for general play. See what league players think are the best support champions to play in ranked dynamic queue in the current meta. Check out our patch notes breakdown here. Stay up to date every lol patch with our league of legend tier list guide the best champion picksbans everything you need to rank up in solo queue ranked flex queue for season rewardsplus lots of bonus league tier list guides you can use like for each lane and role. The order has been defined by thousands of games played in every rank so you can select which tier list for support you want to view in bronze through to diamond and above.
Here are the official league 1016 patch notes for reference. Now that you know the best champions for lol get the best champions for teamfight tactics with our new tft tier. A league of legends tier list created by fuiuchi. Unlike most tier lists we publish ours before or as a. Here is a list of the support specific champions ordered by their current skill ranking in the the meta of league of legends. Heres the new lol tier list.
Welcome to the support tier list extensive look at the strongest support champion picks right now. Welcome to the mobalytics predictive tier list for league of legends for patch 88. 108 tierlist for all roles s10. Lol tier list 1016. The support tier list for lol. This list is not patch specific however it will be added too as new champions join the rift champion reworks or a new season begins.
This list was curated in collaboration with our analyst hewitt prohibit benson our challenger coach adam morïarty isles and kellen exil pontius. Whoops looks like youve found an older tier list. For everybody else we have prepared much more. League of legends patch 1016 support tier list examines which support picks are the most useful for you to climbsupport has had some great picks over the last few patches that remain viable. Jump to high elo tier list. If you have any questions about our choices or process ask us on discord.