Poke game movement damage whiff punish move set and the list goes on. Tier lists are usually made by communuties and pro players.

Lordknight S Blazblue Chrono Phantasma Easiest Most
Blazblue chrono phantasma tier list. Not much needs to be said. Chronophantasma tier list kokonoe. Kuronofantazuma released outside japan as blazblue. Chrono phantasma tiers archive july 7th 2015. Central fiction consumer edition official site jp izanami blazblue. Hakumen is a character with large normals which most on hits and counterhits can lead to big damage.
Chronophantasma ブレイブルー クロノファンタズマ bureiburū. Its been over a week since the timeloop of this world came to an end. Chrono phantasma is the third main installment of the blazblue series. Chrono phantasma on the playstation 3 a gamefaqs message board topic titled chrono phantasma extend tier list page 5. Central fiction story mode episode 011 chapter 090 blazblue. The list isnt a golden rule or set in stone.
Hakumen benefits from instant blocking more than any other character as he gains 13 of a magatama per instant block. Chrono phantasma official site eu platinum the trinity blazblue. A lot is considered when making a tier list. From the point of view of a weaker player skds tier list would seem wrong on a number of the characters he considers low tier because those characters are good at killing players who dont understand how to blow them up yet tagers pretty much always been known for this. His c moves have projectile autoguard during their active frames and give a magatama per projectile. Chrono phantasma story mode chrono phantasma episode 1.
Central fiction arcade mode. He can special cancel his specials allowing for unique combos and setups. 10 11 blazblue 10th anniversary site jp platinum the trinity 20 21 blazblue. High damage excellent screen control excellent corner carry excellent pressure excellent setplay and the. Chrono phantasma on the arcade games a gamefaqs message board topic titled jiyuna cp tier list. Central fiction story mode episode 078 sub scenario 1.
Central fiction official setting material collection blazblue. Arcsystemworks livestream 02152018 blazblue. Chrono phantasma official site us platinum the trinity 40 41 blazblue. They rate characters in their own opinion based on the pros and cons of the characters. Central fiction consumer edition official site jp platinum the trinity 30 31 blazblue. Unexpected encounters blazblue.
Chrono phantasma tiers archive may 14th 2014. Ragna having destroyed the kilns had finished his quest.