The attack on titan manga and anime series feature an extensive cast of fictional characters created by hajime isayamathe story is set in a world where humanity lives in cities surrounded by enormous walls. Check out the contents to know the best characters and leaders in the game.
Oruo Levi Squad Rating And Best Team Attack On Titan
Attack on titan character tier list. The attack on titan character tier list below is created by community voting and is the cumulative average rankings from 9 submitted tier lists. Check out our character tier list. Below is a list of characters that appear originally in the attack on titan manga. See also the list of minor characters from the attack on titan character encyclopedia. Read on to know which are the best characters to pick. Character tier list attack on titan tactics.
Aot tier list generated from the attack on titan characters tier list template. In order for your ranking to count you need to be logged in and publish the list to the site not simply downloading the tier list image. Do you want to get better at aot tactics. Sort and compare all characters with detailed stats. Attack on titan tactics guide walkthrough wiki. Use our attack on titan tier list template to create your own tier list.
Attack on titan tactics walkthrough team. This page will show you the reroll tier list for attack on titan tactics. In order for your ranking to count you need to be logged in and publish the list to the site not simply downloading the tier list image. A defense against the titans gigantic humanoids that eat humans seemingly without reason. The attack on titan characters tier list below is created by community voting and is the cumulative average rankings from 502 submitted tier lists. This page will show you the character tier list for attack on titan tactics aot tactics.
This attack on titan. Find the best aot tactics characters to use on your team. Tactics tier list ranks the overall usefulness of a character.