Unlike traditional warframe weapons arch guns have no separate ammo reserve or magazine in zero g instead having a regenerating magazine whose contents replenish to full when the weapon is not firing. The delay from ceasefire to replenishment and the speed of ammo regeneration varies between different arch gun.

Update 27 Empyrean Warframe
Warframe arch gun tier list. In my opinion the best arch gun is the fluctus. Warframe general discussion topic details. The cyngas is a burst fire arch gun with high accuracy and critical chance as well as amazing status chance and reload speed. Warframe and you wont have any problems clearing content with them. Arch guns are heavy weapons most frequently used in zero gravity archwing combat. In my opinion the best arch gun is the fluctus.
As far as jack of all trades weapons go this is it. But yeah itzal is infinitely better than elytron save for 1 or 2 missions. Any of these primary weapons are great choices to use in 2019. Go with itzal or odonata prime. I love that thing. Infinity mag ii 78000000 damage level 10000 warframe weapon synergy mag build duration.
Dec 20 2018 at 256pm best arch gun for heavy weaponry. I love that thing. If youve enjoyed this list of the best warframe primary weapons in 2019 and found your top weapon of choice dont hesitate to share it around and stay tuned for our warframe frame 2019 tier list. Imperator vandal and velocitus are the top tier primaries right now. Your weapons tho mhmm you got the goods. Relentless zen 161753 views.
This list of the top arch guns in warframe is your guide to the best archwing weapons to have in your loadout.