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Best Comps For Patch 10 10 Meta Snapshot Week 2 Update
Tft tier list by cost. We and carefully selected partners third parties are using cookies to access and store information on your device eg. Similar to our lol tier list our tft tier list is curated in collaboration with top level players such as ace of spades and saintviciousthis list is optimized to help you climb. Tftiers allows you to create a tier list template for tft a game by league legends. Pick rate and gold cost to calculate the best overall champions to purchase in tft with individual scores showing underneath each champion. We track the millions of lol games played every day to gather champion stats matchups builds summoner rankings as well as champion stats popularity winrate teams rankings best items and spells. Just do it and it will be automatically uploaded on imgur.
We analyze millions of teamfight tactics games. We give our tft tier list for patch 1016 to show the best units and comps. Most of the units you acquire from this pool are going to form the cornerstone of your comp along with the strong early game units. Hover over a champion on the tier list to see a summary of the champions in. Patch 1015 was very diverse and had lots of meta comps but a few comps still were more. It is expected that they are level 1 or 2 when assessing this power level.
Patch 1016 was all about quality of life changes as well as giving some love to the power champions gain when they hit 3 stars. These numbers represent the total copies of tier x champions that exist in the store not the unique champions. Hey everyone welcome back to our weekly champ strength analysis. There is a fixed champion pool size for each tier which is shared among all players. Find out all the info recommended items existing class and origin synergies and much more. Mid game units add 3 and 4 cost units to the pool.
Welcome to our teamfight tactics tier list for patch 1016. Check out the metasrc tft 1016 statistical champion tier list. For example there are 29 copies of each tier 1 champion etc. Tft meta team comps tier list. Cookie and device ids and information about your possible interests. With consent our partners can collect and process your data to show you personalised content.