The upcoming taverns of time event will also greatly affect arena as it will also bring a decent chunk of exclusive cards to the format. Many of them have extremely high variance and effects that are not obvious at first so its worth familiarizing yourself with them before they go live.

My Waifu Tier List Afkarena
Taverns of time arena tier list. Hello and welcome to the newest version of the arena class tier list presented by team genji. Arena class tier list post taverns of time. Unlocking the final chest players will get awarded with an artifact. 28 arena exclusive cards have been added to the game. Notably the only minions offered here that has any late game value are wrath weaver and rabid saurolisk. Our thoughts see all cards all players have received a free entry into the arena.
New daily quests are active which reward gold and dust. The taverns of time is here. Overview tier 1 1. The main purpose of tier 1 minions is to get you safely through the early game. It also doesnt. Once this goes live you will receive quests that not only give you gold but contain arcane dust.
1 update hits at the end of february. Im just trying to get used to arena play. Starting on june 11th there will be a limited time event called the taverns of time. Hearthstone sou paladin arena card tier list arena tiers by alext96 credits to tarrot469 on reddit overview just from the sets coming back in paladin is going to be a top tier class in arena. This arena tier list covers the most viable classes and archetypes to play in the arena mode. New arena cards free arena ticket new daily quests.
The main objective of the solar plane map is to defeat all six main bosses in the center of the map to remove the walls surrounding the crystal chest. An arena draft has an average pick rate of 60 common 25 rare 10 epic and 2 legendary cards. In afk arena artifacts are the unique gears that can only be found in the peaks of timeartifacts can be equipped on any hero to boost their stats and gain heroes some special perks. In order to strengthen artifacts and unlock new perks players can use the artifact fragments which can be obtained from the campaign afk rewards. Aov tier list 2020. Together with former 1 na ranked arena player umerps4248 we have maintained the lightforge tier list for over 3 yearsthe huge tier list update overnight changed the scores of every card in every class to bring the list fully up to date with the new buckets arena drafting system and add the.
A full list of tier 1 minions can be found below. Hearthstones newest event the taverns of time has arrived. The lightforge arena tier list has been updated for the new taverns of time tot arena event. And yes i do use the arena tier lists since im an arena noob. Ive listed all of the cards below. 2018 06 14 by team genji.
Along with this awesome addition we will also be getting 28 exclusive to arena cards. Alleycat and murloc tidehunter are the most common cards picked from this tier due to their ability to summon tokens that can later be sold for an additional gold. There isnt any true trap here on this peaks of time map. Its so wildly different from ladder and casual in my opinion that cards i would usually think are great in constructed actually suck pretty hard in arena and vice versa.